FRED Strategy

Our Approach

A new Lens on Challenges

The turbulent, near out of control challenges that are facing leaders are relentless, often overwhelming, certainly unpredictable and simultaneously hyper local and completely global. From disinformation, the rise of social activists, to commodity and health crises and climate change—these issues demand outstanding leadership from individuals and their teams. Our clients lead business and change the business. Our most successful clients have worked with us to develop their own deep sense of purpose, define organisation and personal values which optimise their collective impact.

FRED Coaching Framework

Our Coaching Framework considers vertical leadership and horizontal influence. We support leaders who need to lead not just their own teams but win support through negotiation and collaboration across complex organisation designs and matrix management. We place a high emphasis on mental fitness and setting leaders up for success by supporting the whole person. Through, trust, honesty and the confidence to own both vulnerabilities and weaknesses while optimising and playing to our strengths is where the best leaders really shine

What we do